Sunday 31 October 2010



Today is one of my favorite holidays HALLOWEEN!!! OK Christmas and my birthday are also my favorite but i love the whole spooks and ghouls stuff of Halloween. I used to love Halloween because it was the only time of the year I wouldn't get picked on for how I dressed lol. I used to love going trick or treating and I do miss it but at 26 i think I'm a bit too old for trick or treat! For the first 2 years of university I used to go out to the pubs and clubs in fancy dress which was fun but this year I'm going back to my tradition of having a massive horror film fest! I do however have some strict rules for a Halloween horror film fest!:

  2. Film fest MUST include the classics (The Omen, Friday 13th, Psycho, etc)
  3. One of the films shown HAS to be Halloween
  4. You should have at least one film set around a ghost story
  5. And the most important ingredient for a film fest...... POPCORN!!!!
There are probably more rules that I follow but cant think of them at this moment in time lol

So in preparation for my film fest with my girly tonight she has asked me to pick the films, so here is my list for tonight:
  •  Halloween
  • The Omen Trilogy
  • The Crow
  • Into The Mirror (Japanese)
  • Exorcism Of Emily Rose
  • Brain Dead
  • Night Of The Living Dead
I would love to add The Exorcist to this list but I have just realised I don't actually own it on DVD! I'm shocked! I love that film!

So would you add any other Films to that list? I would but unfortunately those are all the decent horror films I own currently!

So this would be my dream film fest list:

  • Exorcist
  • The Fog
  • Friday 13TH (Although this i usually save for Friday 13th)
  • The Shining
  • Evil Dead
  • Nightmare On Elm Street
  • Amityville Horror
  •  Poltergeist
  • Tenebrae
  • Child's Play
  • Texas Chainsaw Massacre
  • Dracula
  • The Grudge (Japanese)
  • Pet Cemetery
  • Psycho
I will stop there as the list could go on and on!

Anything you would add? Take away?


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